Global observables in abelian gauge field theories
- 5 November 2015
- Klaus Fredenhagen: Field theory from local to global, notes (PDF)
- Louis-Hadrien Robert: First notions from category theory I
- 19 November 2015 – Louis-Hadrien Robert: First notions from category theory II
- 3 December 2015
- Jonathan Fisher: Bundles
- Lukas Woike: Bundles with Connection and Groupoids
- 17 December 2015 – Tobias Ohrmann: Simplicial objects
- 14 January 2016 – Anssi Lahtinen: Homotopy (co)limits
- 28 January 2016
- Jan Hesse: Homotopy colimits II
- Marco Benini: A homotopical algebra approach to gauge theories, notes (PDF)
- [Ba] H. Baum: Eichfeldtheorie, SpringerSpektrum Masterclass, 2014
- [Bo] F. Borceux: Handbook of categorical algebra I. Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications 50, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994.
- [ML] S. Mac Lane: Categories for the working mathematician. Springer graduate texts in mathematics 5.
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- [Fre93] K. Fredenhagen: “Global observables in local quantum physics”, in: Quantum and Non- Commutative Analysis: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, H. Araki, K. R. Ito, A. Kishimoto, and I. Ojima, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993) 41.
- [FRS92] K. Fredenhagen, K.-H. Rehren and B. Schroer: “Superselection sectors with braid group statistics and exchange algebras II: Geometric aspects and conformal covariance”, Rev. Math. Phys. 4 (1992) 113.