Colloquium of the ZMP
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Talks in Winter Semester 2024/2025
Next talks
- Jan 30, 4:15pm, DESY seminar room 2: Dalimil Mazáč (Saclay)
History of talks
- Dec 19, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Karol Kozłowski (Lyon)
- Dec 5, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture hall 3: Ben Davison (Edinburgh)
- Nov 21, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture hall 3: Marta Mazzocco (Barcelona)
- Oct 24, 2024, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture hall 3: Michael Borinsky (ETH) – On the Dark-Matter Problem of the Moduli Space of Curves
History of talks Summer 2021 – Summer 2024
- June 27, 2024, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 2: Tamás Hausel (ISTA) – Anatomy of big algebras
- May 30, 2024, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 2: Sara Tukachinsky (Tel Aviv University) – Open Gromov-Witten theory – introduction and recent developments
- May 2, 2024, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Emanuel Malek (HU Berlin) – Solving strongly-coupled conformal field theories using the exceptional symmetries of supergravity
- April 11, 2024, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 2: Robert König (TU München) – Quantum fault-tolerance and locality
- January 25, 2024, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Sungkyung Kang (University of Oxford) – Seiberg-Witten theory, homotopy-coherent group actions, and exotic Dehn twists
- January 11, 2024, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: Thomas Mohaupt (University of Liverpool) – What is the T-dual of an event horizon?
- December 21, 2023, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: !!! ENTFÄLLT !!! Robert König (TU München ) – Topological order and shallow quantum circuits
- December 7, 2023, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, SR 2 (virtual): Owen Gwilliam (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) – 4-dimensional gauge theories and their holomorphic twists
- November 23, 2023, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Iñaki García Etxebarria (Durham University) – Deriving SymTFTs from geometry
- November 2, 2023, 4:15pm, GEOM H3 (virtual): Hugh Thomas (Université du Québec à Montréal) – String-like amplitudes for surfaces beyond the disk
- July 13, 2023, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: Hans Jockers (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) – Quantum K-Theory and 3d Gauge Theories
- June 29, 2023, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Hartmut Weiß (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) – On the modularity of gravitational instantons of type ALG
- June 15, 2023, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: Quoc Ho (Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology) – Character sheaves, HOMFLY-PT homology, and Hilbert schemes of points on ℂ²
- May 25, 2023, 4:15pm, online: Mathew Bullimore (Durham University) – Higher Representations for Extended Operators
- May 11, 2023, 4:15pm, online: Thomas Lam (University of Michigan) – Scattering amplitudes and configuration space
- April 27, 2023, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Doppelseminar – Kramers-Wannier duality in (3+1)d field theory
- April 13, 2023, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 2: Doppelseminar – Kramers-Wannier duality in the Ising model, part 1 + 2
- January 26, 2023, 4:15pm, online: Domenico Fiorenza (Universität Rom) – String bordism invariants in dimension 3 from U(1)-valued TQFTs
- January 12, 2023, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Claude Duhr (Universität Bonn) – The mathematics of precision physics
- December 15, 2022, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: Lotte Hollands (Edinburgh) – Non-perturbative partition functions for supersymmetric QFT's
- December 1, 2022, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Boris Pioline (Sorbonne Université and CNRS, Paris) – Modular bootstrap for BPS indices on Calabi-Yau threefolds
- November 17, 2022, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 3: Vivek Shende (CQM Syddansk) – Open curve counting in CY3
- November 3, 2022, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, Seminarraum 2: Konrad Waldorf (Universität Greifswald) – Geometric T-Duality: Buscher rules in general topology
- July 14, 2022, 12:16am, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 6: Kevin Walker (Microsoft Station Q) – Low-dimensional G-bordism and G-modular TQFTs
- June 30, 2022, 4:15pm, online: Justin Kaidi (Stony Brook University) – Non-Invertible Symmetries in d>2
- June 16, 2022, 4:15pm, online: Irene Valenzuela (Harvard) – The Three Main Pillars of the Swampland
- June 2, 2022, 4:15pm, GEOMATIKUM, lecture theatre 6: Gustav Holzegel (WWU Münster) – The Stability of Black Hole Spacetimes
- May 12, 2022, 4:15pm, online: Sam Raskin (UT Austin) – Quantum duality and Morita theory for chiral algebras
- April 28, 2022, 4:15pm, online: Pierre-Guy Plamondon (Paris-Saclay) – tba
- 27 January 2022, 4:15pm, online: Zhenghan Wang (UC Santa Barbara) – A Riemann sum approach to quantum field theory
- 13 January 2022, 4:15pm, online: Nathan Reading (North Carolina State University) – Scatter, cluster, scatter, model (PDF)
- 16 December 2021, 4:15pm, online: Pavel Safronov (Edinburgh) – Virtual fundamental classes and Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization from supersymmetric twists (PDF)
- 2 December 2021, 5:15pm, online: Natalie Paquette (University of Washington) – Symmetries, universal defects, and holography (PDF)
- 18 November 2021, 4:15pm, online: Michele del Zotto (Uppsala University) – BPS states, global structures, and cluster categories (PDF)
- 4 November 2021, 4:15pm, online: Bernhard Keller (Paris Jussieu) – Cluster algebras and representation theory (PDF)
- 21 October 2021, 4:15pm, online: Anastasia Volovich (Brown University) – Mathematical Structures of Scattering Amplitudes (PDF)
- 1 July 2021, 4:15pm, online: Matthew Buican (Queen Mary University of London) – aXb=c in 2+1D TQFT (PDF)
- 10 June 2021, 4:15pm, online: Mina Aganagic (University of California, Berkeley) – Khovanov Homology from Mirror Symmetry (PDF)
- 3 June 2021, 4:15pm, online: Constantin Teleman (University of California, Berkeley) – Towards a universal target for TQFTS (PDF)
- 20 May 2021, 4:15pm, online: Stefano Negro (New York University) – The ODE/IM correspondence. A look to the past and one to the future (PDF)
- 29 April 2021, 4:15pm, online: Alexei Oblomkov (University of Massachussetts, Amherst) – Kapustin-Saulina-Rozansky Topological quantum field theories (TQFT) and knot homology (PDF)
- 15 April 2021, 4:15pm, online: Davide Gaiotto (Perimeter Institute, Canada) – 4d SYM applications to analytic Geometric Langlands
History of talks Summer 2016 – Winter 2020/21
- 18 February 2021, 4:15pm, online: Pierrick Bousseau (ETH Zürich) – The skein algebra of the 4-punctured sphere from curve counting (PDF)
- 4 February 2021, 4:15pm, online: Fernando Marchesano (IFT Madrid) – Module spaces in quantum gravity (PDF)
- 21 January 2021, 4:15pm, online: Douglas Stanford (Stanford University) – Wormholes and random matrices (PDF)
- 7 January 2021, 4:15pm, online: Fabian Haiden (University of Oxford) – Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants of flat surfaces (PDF)
- 10 December 2020, 4:15pm, online: Eran Palti (Ben Gurion University) – The Cosmological Constant and the Swampland (PDF)
- 26 November 2020, 4:15pm, online: Kevin Costello (Perimeter Institute) – A mathematical formulation of holography (PDF)
- 12 November 2020, 4:15pm, online: Tom Rudelius (IAS Princeton) – Black Holes to Algebraic Curves: Consequences of the Weak Gravity Conjecture (PDF)
- 9 July 2020, 2:15pm, online: Double-Seminar – Topological phases of matter, matrix product states, and tensor categories
- 11 June 2020, 4:15pm, online: Nils Carqueville (Universität Wien) – Topological Quantum Field Theory with Defects
- 7 May 2020, 4:15pm, online: Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH) – An exact AdS/CFT duality
- 30 January 2020, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Thomas Grimm (University of Utrecht, NL) – On imprints of quantum gravity and their fascinating mathematics
- 16 January 2020, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Timo Weigand (Universität Mainz) – Quantum Gravity Constraints, Emergent Strings and Geometry
- 19 December 2019, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Thomas Dumitrescu (UCLA, USA) – From Seiberg-Witten Theory to Non-Supersymmetric Gauge Dynamics
- 5 December 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Tudor Dimofte (University of California, Davis, USA) – 3d Gauge Theories and Representation Theory
- 14 November 2019, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double-Seminar – JT gravity and Mirzakhani's recursion
- 24 October 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Harold Williams (University of California, Davis, USA) – The algebraic geometry of Wilson-'t Hooft lines in 4d N=2 gauge theories
- 4 July 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum. lecture hall H2: Double Seminar – Integrable PDEs, Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and free fermion conformal field theory
- 20 June 2019, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Sergey Derkachov (PDMI, St. Petersburg) – Separation of variables and calculation of the Feynman diagrams
- 6 June 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Tom Bridgeland (University of Sheffield) – Geometry from Donaldson-Thomas invariants
- 16 May 2019, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double-Seminar – Integrable PDEs, Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and free fermion conformal field theory
- 2 May 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Double Seminar – Integrable PDEs, Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and free fermion conformal field theory
- 18 April 2019, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Nils Carqueville (University of Vienna) – Topological quantum field theory with defects
- 4 April 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Sara Pasquetti (Università di Milano-Bicocca) – Dualities and correspondences in SUSY gauge theories
- 24 January 2019, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Jasper Stokman (University of Amsterdam) – Harish-Chandra series and boundary correlation functions
- 10 January 2019, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Double Seminar – Disc (E_k) algebras in TQFT and SUSY QFT
- 13 December 2018, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: André Henriques (Oxford) – What Chern-Simons theory assigns to a point
- 29 November 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Double Seminar – Disc (E_k) algebras in TQFT and SUSY QFT
- 15 November 2018, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES) – Counting self-avoiding walks
- 1 November 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Thomas Willwacher (ETH Zürich) – Models for configuration spaces through Feynman diagrams
- 12 July 2018, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech, USA) – A proposal for nonabelian mirrors in two-dimensional theories
- 28 June 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Double Seminar – Flat connections and geometric quantisation
- 31 May 2018, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Sergei Gukov (Caltech, USA & MPI f. Mathematik, Bonn) – What are next generation MTCs and TQFTs?
- 3 May 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Joseph Minahan (Uppsala University, Sweden) – Super Yang-Mills on d-spheres
- 3 May 2018, 2:45pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Bin Gui (Vanderbilt University, USA) – Some unitarity problems in 2D conformal field theory
- 19 April 2018, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double Seminar – Flat connections and geometric quantisation
- 5 April 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Giovanni Felder (ETH Zürich) – Gauge theory partition functions, representation schemes and random matrices
- 11 January 2018, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Antti Kupiainen (University of Helsinki) – Proof of the DOZZ Formula
- 14 December 2017, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double Seminar – Slightly more advanced topics in conformal field theory
- 30 November 2017, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Damien Calaque (Université de Montpellier) – Two examples of fully extended TFTs
- 16 November 2017, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Gus Schrader (Columbia University (NY)) – Quantum total positivity and continuous tensor categories
- 2 November 2017, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Peter Teichner (MPI Bonn) – Computing deformation classes of invertible field theories
- 19 October 2017, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double Seminar – Slightly more advanced topics in conformal field theory
- 22 June 2017, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Laura Schaposnik (University of Illinois at Chicago) – On the geometry of the moduli space of Higgs bundles
- 1 June 2017, 2:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Double-Seminar – Hitchin Systems, Non-Abelian Hodge Theory and Wall Crossing
- 11 May 2017, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Domenico Monaco (Universität Tübingen) – Topological and gauge-theoretic invariants in condensed matter systems
- 27 April 2017, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala University) – Virasoro constraints and localization
- 13 April 2017, 2:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Double-Seminar – Hitchin Systems, Non-Abelian Hodge Theory and Wall Crossing
- 12 January 2017, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Christoph Keller (ETH Zürich) – Mathieu Moonshine and Symmetry Surfing
- 15 December 2016, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 6: Andy Neitzke (Universität Texas) – Abelianization in Chern-Simons theory
- 17 November 2016, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Artan Sheshmani (MIT und Universität Aarhus) – Nested Hilbert schemes, local Donaldson-Thomas theory
- 14 July 2016, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zürich, CH) – Randomness in Quantum Mechanics - the ETH approach
- 23 June 2016, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: David Jordan (University of Edinburgh, UK) – Integrating quantum groups over surfaces
- 2 June 2016, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Manfred Salmhofer (Univ. Heidelberg) – Functional Renormalization
- 21 April 2016, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Daniele Dorigoni (Durham University, UK) – Resurgence and Trans-Series in Quantum Field Theory
History of talks Summer 2011 – Winter 2015/16
- 28 January 2016, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, Hörsaal: Marco Benini (Univ. Potsdam) – Homotopical computations for Abelian gauge theory Slides
- 14 January 2016, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Stefan Theisen (MPI Golm) – Anomalies and Conformal Manifolds
- 17 December 2015, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Don Zagier (MPI Bonn) – A link between two algebraic structures
- 3 December 2015, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Hermann Schulz-Baldes (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) – Topological insulators: from K-theory to physics
- 19 November 2015, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Gaetan Borot (MPI Bonn) – The topological content of 2d rational CFTs
- 29 October 2015, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Kenji Iohara (Univ. Lyon) – Super Virasoro Algebras and their Variants
- 11 June 2015, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Jan Manschot (Trinity College Dublin) – BPS Bound States and Quivers
- 30 April 2015, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Niklas Beisert (ETH Zürich) – Smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 Superspace and Yangian Symmetry
- 16 April 2015, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Gleb Arutyunov (Universität Hamburg) – R-matrix Quantization of the Ruijsenaars-Schneider Models
- 29 January 2015, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Stefan Hollands (Universität Leipzig) – Black holes and thermodynamics
- 20 November 2014, 6:00pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Matthias Christiandl (University of Copenhagen) – From Pauli’s Principle to Fermionic Entanglement
- 23 October 2014, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Miranda Cheng (University of Amsterdam) – Moonshine and String Theory
- 10 July 2014, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Ivan Smith (University of Cambridge, UK) – Quadratic differentials, stability conditions and symplectic topology
- 15 May 2014, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Vladimir Fateev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) – Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa conjecture and integrability
- 24 April 2014, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2, seminar room 2: Konrad Waldorf (Universität Greifswald) – String geometry and spin geometry on loop spaces
- 10 April 2014, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: François Labourie (Orsay, France) – The algebra of pairs swapping
- 30 January 2014, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Bertrand Eynard (CEA, Salclay, France) – Topological recursion and moduli spaces, Laplace transform and Mirror symmetry
- 16 January 2014, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Oleg Lisovyy (Université deTours, France) – Painlevé funcitons and conformal blocks
- 19 December 2013, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Mina Aganagic (University of California, Berkeley, USA) – A Refinement of Chern-Simons Theory and Knot Homology
- 28 November 2013, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Arthur Bartels (Universität Münster) – Conformal Nets as higher von Neumann Algebras
- 14 November 2013, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Elmar Schrohe (Leibniz Universität Hannover) – A Families Index Theorem for Boundary Value Problems
- 11 July 2013, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Mark Gross (UC San Diego, USA) – Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras
- 13 June 2013, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Philippe Di Francesco (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) – Cluster Algebras: from Combinatorics to Statistical Physics
- 2 May 2013, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Dorothea Bahns / Christian Bär (Univ. Göttingen / Univ. Potsdam) – Microlocal analysis in Quantum Field Theory / Path integrals on curved spaces
- 31 January 2013, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Eric Vasserot (IMJ, Paris) – AGT conjecture and Hall algebras
- 17 January 2013, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Matthias Staudacher (HU Berlin) – A Spectral Parameter for Scattering Amplitudes
- 13 December 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Piotr Sulkowski (Caltech/University of Amsterdam) – On knots, super-A-polynomial, and 3d gauge theories
- 29 November 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Lionel Mason (St Peter's College Oxford) – Holomorphic linking in twistor space and the amplitude/Wilson-loop duality
- 15 November 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Christian Blohmann (MPI Bonn) – Hamiltonian Lie Algebroids and General Relativity
- 1 November 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Sander Zwegers (Universität Köln) – An introduction to Nahm's conjecture
- 18 October 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Daniel Waldram (Imperial College London) – Generalised geometry and supergravity
- 21 June 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Marcos Marino (Universität Genf) – Three-dimensional superconformal field theories as Fermi gases
- 7 June 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: John Cardy (University of Oxford) – Discrete Holomorphicity, Integrability and Parafermions in Two Dimensions
- 10 May 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Martin Zirnbauer (Universität Köln) – Of symmetries, symmetry classes, and symmetric spaces: from disorder and quantum chaos to topological insulators
- 26 April 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Hans Jockers (Universität Bonn) – Conifold Transitions in M-theory on Calabi-Yau fourfolds
- 12 April 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Sergei Gukov (Caltech / MPI Bonn) – Quantization in Modern Mathematical Physics
- 26 January 2012, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Atish Dabholkar (LPTHE Paris) – Quantum Entropy of Black Holes, Holography, and Number Theory
- 12 January 2012, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Tamás Hausel (Oxford) – Symmetries of SL(n) Hitchin fibers
- 15 December 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Rinat Kashaev (University of Geneva) – Quantum Chern-Simons theory with gauge group SL(2,C)
- 1 December 2011, 2:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Richard Szabo (Edinburgh) – String Theory and Higher Quantum Geometry
- 17 November 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Olaf Lechtenfeld (Hannover) – Instantons and Chern-Simons flows in d = 6, 7 and 8
- 3 November 2011, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Alexander Bobenko (TU-Berlin) – Discrete Riemann Surfaces
- 20 October 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Helge Glöckner (Universität Paderborn) – Continuity and differentiability properties of typical non-linear mappings between spaces of test functions
- 30 June 2011, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: T. Bridgeland (University of Oxford, UK) – Stability conditions and quadratic differentials
- 23 June 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: F. Malikov (University of Southern California) – Localization of affine W-algebras
- 26 May 2011, 2:00pm, MINERALOGIE (Grindelallee 48): within the workshop “Higher Structures in Topology and Geometry V”
- 12 May 2011, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: Hubert Saleur (CEA Saclay, Frankreich) – Edge states and sigma models
- 28 April 2011, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Boris Springborn (TU Berlin) – Discrete conformal maps and ideal hyperbolic polyhedra
- 14 April 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn/Collège de France, Paris) – Mock modular forms: a new tool in mathematics and physics
History of talks Summer 2006 – Winter 2010/11
- 27 January 2011, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Andreas Ludwig (UC Santa Barbara) – Classification of topological insulators and superconductors
- 13 January 2011, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Fabian Essler (University of Oxford, UK) – Finite Temperature and Quantum Quench Dynamics in Massive Integrable Quantum Field Theories
- 16 December 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Karl-Hermann Neeb (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) – Semiboundedness in the representation theory of infinite dimensional Lie groups
- 18 November 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Markus Reineke (Universität Wuppertal) – (Quantum) Donaldson-Thomas type invariants and quivers
- 4 November 2010, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Roberto Longo (University of Rome, Italy) – Operator Algebras, an Analog of the Beurling-Lax Theorem and Boundary QFT
- 21 October 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Jacopo Stoppa (Trinity College, Cambridge) – D0-D6 states, Gromov-Witten invariants and universal covering quivers
- 1 July 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Peter Mayr (LMU München) – (Quantum) Deformation of N=1 mirror symmetry
- 3 June 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Bernhard Krötz (Leibniz Universität Hannover) – Kanonische Komplexifizierungen
- 6 May 2010, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Joachim Cuntz (Universität Münster) – Cantor systems and ring C*-algebras
- 22 April 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum lecture hall 2: Nils Carqueville (LMU München) – Quiver gauge theories from open topological string theory
- 8 April 2010, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Martijn Wijnholt (Harvard University) – Unification in M- and F-Theory
- 12 March 2010, 3:30pm, DESY, building 1, seminar room 4a: F. Smirnov (Paris) – One point functions in the Sine-Gordon model
- 12 March 2010, 2:00pm, DESY, building 1, seminar room 4a: M. Jimbo (Tokyo) – Hidden Grassmann structure of integrable models II. CFT limit
- 12 March 2010, 11:00am, DESY, building 1, seminar room 4a: T. Miwa (Kyoto) – Hidden Grassmann structure of integrable models I. XXZ model
- CANCELLED: 4 February 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Dirk Kreimer (Boston) – Progress with renormalizable field theories
- 28 January 2010, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall 2: Boris Pioline (Paris) – Progress on hypermultiplet moduli spaces
- 14 January 2010, 4:15pm, DESY, building 2a, seminar room 2: Krzysztof Gawedzki (Lyon) – Gerbes and field theory
- 3 December 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: Catharina Stroppel (Bonn) – A combinatorial construction of the fusion algebra and quantum cohomology
- 19 November 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Eric Opdam (Amsterdam) – Harmonic analysis and syntheses of Hecke algebras
- 5 November 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: David Hernandez (CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) – Langlands duality for quantum groups and categorification
- 22 October 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Thierry Barbot (Avignon) – Spacetimes of constant curvature
- 16 July 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: A. Klemm (Bonn) – Integrability in N=2 Gauge Theory with Matter
- 2 July 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture thaetre H2: A. Neitzke (Harvard) – BPS Wall-Crossing and Hyperkahler Geometry
- 18 June 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Hendryk Pfeiffer (UBC) – Reconstructing algebras from monoidal categories
- 28 May 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: A. Tomasiello (Harvard) – Exploring the geometry of supergravity
- 28 May 2009, 2:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: S. Shatashvili (Trinity College Dublin) – Superpotentials and Yang's functions
- 14 May 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: V. Fock (Strasbourg) – Higher Teichm
- 30 April 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: C. Voisin (IHES) – Hodge theory and cohomology algebras of Kaehler and complex projective manifolds
- 16 April 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: B. Siebert (Hamburg) – A toolkit for Calabi-Yau and related geometries
- 5 February 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: D. Ben-Zvi (Texas) – Topological Field Theory and Representation Theory
- 22 January 2009, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: W. Mueller (Bonn) – Spectral theory on locally symmetric spaces and automorphic forms
- 8 January 2009, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: Kluemper Methods and scope of investigations of integrable quantum systems at finite temperature
- 18 December 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: A. Frabetti (Lyon) – Hopf algebras and Phi^3 renormalization factors
- 4 December 2008, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: W. Soergel (Freiburg) – Lokalisierung von Darstellungen
- 20 November 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Johannes Walcher (CERN) – The Real Topological String
- 6 November 2008, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: W. van Suijlekom (Nijmegen) – Renormalization Hopf algebras and BRST-symmetries
- 23 October 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, building 61, lecture hall: Frank Reidegeld (Hamburg) – Spin(7)-manifolds of cohomogeneity one
- 3 July 2008, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Martin Guest (Tokyo) – From Quantum Cohomology to Integrable Systems
- 5 June 2008, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Jochen Brüning (Berlin) – Index theorems for singular Dirac operators
- 22 May 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Bertrand Eynard (Gif-sur-Yvette) – Symplectic invariants of spectral curves and their applications to enumerative geometry
- 8 May 2008, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Urs Schreiber (Hamburg) – Lie n-algebroids and the BRST complex
- 17 April 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Anton Alekseev – The Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture and Drinfeld's associators
- 17 January 2008, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Katrin Wendland (Augsburg) – Geometry and beyond for K3 and one of its higher dimensional cousins
- 20 December 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Martin Zirnbauer (Köln) – Riemannian symmetric superspaces and how they arise in random matrix theory
- 22 November 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Andrew Swann (Odense) – Twists, torsion and T-duality
- 8 November 2007, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Matthias Schwarz (Leipzig) – String Topology and Floer Homology
- 25 October 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Daniel Stevenson (Hamburg) – The WZW action and its relation to gerbes with connection on Lie groups
- 28 June 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Walter Freyn (Augsburg) – Kac-Moody symmetric spaces
- 24 May 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Gerd Laures (Bochum) – Elliptic Cohomology: Old and New
- 10 May 2007, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Alexei Semikhatov – Models of logarithmic CFT: how far can we go with representation theory?
- 12 April 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Lorenz Schwachhöfer (Dortmund) – Manifolds with large isometry group and lower curvature bounds
- 1 February 2007, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Gerhard Huisken (MPI Golm) – Unifomisation theorems via the heat equation
- 1 February 2007, 2:15pm, Geomatikum; lecture hall H2: Frank Klinker (Dortmund) – A geometric SUSY-representation on deformed supermanifolds
- 18 January 2007, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Jean-Marc Schlenker (Toulouse) – From earthquakes to black holes
- 7 December 2006, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Vladimir Fock – Cluster description of Poisson-Lie groups
- 16 November 2006, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H2: Christian Bär (University of Potsdam) – Path integrals on manifolds via finite dimensional approximation
- 9 November 2006, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, room 241: Simon Willerton (Sheffield) – Topological quantum field theory and gerbes
- 13 July 2006, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H3: Thomas Mohaupt (Liverpool) – Black hole partition functions, strings and duality
- 29 June 2006, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Alexei Bondal (Steklov Institute, Moskow) – Integrable systems related to bilinear forms
- 15 June 2006, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, lecture hall H3: Jean-Baptiste Butruille (Ecole Polytechnique) – Nearly Kähler manifolds and 3-symmetric spaces
- 1 June 2006, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Mathai Varghese (Adelaide) – T-duality via noncommutative geometry
- 4 May 2006, 4:15pm, DESY, seminar room 2: Frederik Witt (Ecole Polytechnique) – Generalised G-structures, variational principles and type II supergravity
- 20 April 2006, 4:15pm, Geomatikum, room 241: Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn) – Stability and derived categories